by webmaster2 posted Feb 29, 2024


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1. Eligibility

a. KU student who has earned 102(106) or more credits and registered 7 or more regular semesters.

b. Transfer student with a BA degree, should be classified as 4th year student.

c. Student in senior year pursuing dual degree is not eligible.


2. Key Points

a. Maximum 6 credits can be applied.

b. Credit withdrawal is allowed only once during the entire school years.

c. Courses have not yet evaluated should be counted out of bound.

d. Any requisite courses (general education core courses, major core courses, college of education courses, etc) can not apply for credit withdrawal.

e. On the academic transcript, “W” will be typed on the courses withdrawn instead of the original grades.

f. Students can not apply for credit withdrawal for repeated courses. Upon withdrawal completed, the course cannot be repeated.

g. Once course withdrawal is submitted it cannot be retracted.


3. Course range

a. Any courses taken before spring semester, 2014

b. Courses terminated eternally(without altenative and similar courses) among courses taken from spring semester, 2014


4. Application Period * Student can choose only one of the two periods.

1st application period : April 6(Wed) 10:00 – April 22(Fri) 17:00

2nd application period : June 20(Mon) 10:00 – July 1(Fri) 17:00


5. How to apply: KUPID -> ‘Registration/Graduation’ -> ‘Grades’ -> ‘Credit Withdrawal’. For more information, see below.


6. Advance Notice: Due to the decrease in the number of credit acquisitors before the 2014 academic year, the operation of the credit waiver system will be reorganized to be accepted once per semester from the second semester of 2022

-Notice on the waiver of credits earned in April (October for the 2nd semester), Apply during May (November for the 2nd semester)


March, 2022

Office of Academic Affairs


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