2022 Academic Year Truth Scholarship Program Application Guidelines (~ May 20)

by webmaster2 posted Feb 29, 2024


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2022 Academic Year Truth Scholarship Program Application Guidelines (~ May 20)


Eligibility: Undergraduate students affiliated with the Seoul campus in the 2022 academic year, currently in their 2nd or 3rd year of Chemistry (Maximum of 8 candidates will be selected/Students on leave of absence, graduates, and exchange students are not eligible)

Documents to submit: Truth Scholarship Application Form and Academic Plan (1 copy each)

Submission period: Until May 20, 2022, 5:00 PM

Submission location: Chemistry Department Office

(Asan Science Hall 334A, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM / Lunch break: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM)



  • Assignment of 1:1 personalized educational guidance professor (Assignment considering the student's preferred research field, interview may be required if necessary)

  • Each professor can mentor up to 2 Truth Scholarship students

  • Exploration/selection of research topics driven by students through consultations with the mentor professor

  • Conducting research related to undergraduate advanced studies

    (Mandatory activity period: June 1, 2022, to December 9, 2022)

  • Completion of the Truth Scholarship Program automatically fulfills the graduation requirement of the undergraduate major advanced research course

    (Application for enrollment in the undergraduate "Major Advanced Research II" course for the 2nd semester of 2022)

  • Mandatory participation in academic conferences (Korean Chemical Society, Polymer Society, Mass Spectrometry Society, etc.), poster presentation recommended. The timing of conference presentations is expected to be in the second half of 2021

  • Research presentation workshop (expected around mid-December 2022)

  • Submission of research notes and final research report (by February 28, 2023)

  • Excellent research results presented as the first author in an international prestigious academic journal during undergraduate studies will be promoted on the department and science college websites/newsletters

Selection Criteria:

  • Describing in the student's academic plan the passion/challenge for the field of study, and how being selected as a scholarship recipient will help the student's career path

  • Academic performance of the applicant is not a significant factor in the selection process

  • Applicants who receive other scholarships, including full scholarships, are also eligible to apply

Use of Truth Scholarship Funds:

  • Use for research activity expenses (research notes and stationery, photocopying, poster production, etc.)

  • Partial use for research material/analysis expenses

  • Use for conference participation fees (registration fee, travel expenses, accommodation)

  • Others (additional support for expenses tailored to each research lab's characteristics)

Expected Outcomes:

  • Enhancement of research capabilities and understanding of technological trends through research

  • Publication of papers in prestigious international academic journals through undergraduate research

  • Accumulation of outstanding experiences relevant to chemistry-related career choices

    (Will greatly assist in future employment and admission to graduate school)

For inquiries, please contact the Department Office.

We eagerly await the active participation of interested undergraduate students.

2022 Chemistry Department Truth Scholarship Application Form.hwp


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