Deconvolution of Tunneling Current in Large-area Junctions Formed with Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers

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author Hyo Jae Yoon
journal The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01997


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                                                  Junji Jin(석사과정)                  Gyu Don Kong(박사과정)



Whereas single-component self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) have served widely as organic components in molecular and organic electronics, how the performance of the device is influenced by the heterogeneity of monolayers has been little understood. This paper describes charge transport by quantum tunneling across mixed SAMs of n-alkanethiolates of different lengths formed on ultraflat template-stripped gold substrate. Electrical characterization using liquid metal comprising eutectic gallium−indium alloy reveals that the surface topography of monolayer largely depends on the difference in length between the thiolates and is translated into distribution of tunneling current density. As the length difference is more significant, more phase segregation takes place, leading to an increase in the modality of Gaussian fitting curves. Consequently, statistical analysis permits access to deconvolution of tunneling currents, mirroring the phase-segregated surface. Our work provides an insight into the role of surface topography in the performance of molecular-scale electronic devices.


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